Zen Basil

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Zen Basil Seed Cauliflower Rice


2 Tbsp Zen Basil Seeds

1 bag frozen cauliflower rice

1 onion

1-2 Tbsp coconut oil

½ lemon juiced (more to garnish)

1 tsp salt to taste

1 tsp cumin

1 avocado smash (use fork may add 1 tsp seeds)

Basil leaves to garnish


Sauté onion in coconut oil for 2-3 minutes. Add cauliflower, Zen Basil seeds, salt, cumin, and stir. Top with 1 tsp of coconut oil on top and cover. Simmer for 5-7 minutes. Mix again and serve.

To decor: In a round glass bowl, drizzle olive oil evenly all around, press down half the cooked mixture followed by one layer of avocado smashed followed by the 2nd layer of cooked mixture, let it sit for few min to settle, (make a bigger batch to keep chill overnight for next day) cover the bowl with flat plate and flip to drop the tower on your plate, may use a knife to loosen the sides..takes practice..garnish with lemon and basil leaves and dust nutritional yeast or perm and more greens.