How Food Affects Our Mental Health

Food For Fuel

 In light of current events, knowing that our lives are so much more stressful these days than ever before, we must reconsider our lifestyle choices and see if we can get to the root of the problems. If you ever heard of the term, you are what you eat, it is more relevant now than ever before. The foods we eat are vital to how we feel every day. In the moment it may be to just satisfy our hunger, or give us fuel to have more energy. But it can also affect how our mindset is throughout the day. Sometimes we feel even more tired after we eat, and that is because certain foods high in sugar and fat will fatigue us instead of giving us energy. One of our missions is to be in every pantry in America, because of the high fiber content of Zen Basil seeds.  Please remember that fiber is fuel for your own body’s probiotic to help you thrive. Poor nutrition can impact our concentration, learning ability, and may result in episodes of violent or aggressive behavior. Consuming highly processed and sugary foods can lead to sudden peaks and troughs in the amount of glucose in a person’s body. This can cause fatigue, irritability, dizziness, insomnia and is even a risk factor for depression. It has been shown that a diet of whole foods can offer protection against depression. Zen Basil seeds are the deterrent to these risk factors due to it being nutrient rich from the lectin free organic basil seeds. This high-fiber superfood holds all the key vitamins and minerals needed to fuel your own body’s microbiome that leads to feeling joy, happiness and remain in a positive mindset.  This is our recipe for Zen.

 The Results of Unhealthy Diets

 Depression among teens has skyrocketed in the US over the past few years. The University of Alabama did a recent study in rural, low-income areas, where teens have been self-reporting depressive symptoms. The study showed their diets were all extremely low in nutrients like potassium, calcium, and Iron. Deficiencies in these vitamins and minerals can lead to increased anxiety, low mood, and poor concentration, leading to attention deficits and sleep disturbance. The types of problems associated with a poor diet, such as aggression, attention deficits, and hyperactivity can make impulsive behavior more likely.

 Better Nutrients Produce Positive Behavior

 Food is such a powerful tool. It can affect our energy, mood, and relationships among our peers. A recent study done at the University of Oxford involved 200 young adult male prisoners. Half of them received food high in nutrients like fiber, calcium, potassium, and omega 3’s. The other half were given foods high in fat and sugar. The testing phase ran for 142 days. During that time, the prisoners that had the nutritional foods, had a 50 percent reduction in disciplinary incidents, and a 55 percent drop in violent behavior. The junk food group saw only a 3 percent drop in disciplinary incidents and a 5 percent drop in violent behavior. Senior research scientist, Bernard Gesch stated that, “Antisocial behavior in prisons, including violence, are reduced by vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids with similar implications for those eating poor diets in the community. Dietary changes can bring about changes in our brain structure (chemically and physiologically), which can lead to altered behavior.”

  Importance of a Healthy Diet

 But not everyone in these difficult situations is able to simply just eat a healthier diet. Teens in developing neighborhoods may not be able to afford healthier options. Budget cutbacks have slashed many schools and prison institution’s meals. As private corporations take over food services in those areas, the focus shifts from healthy and nutritious meals, to cheaper and less healthy food. But the cost of depriving people of nutritional food is huge. The research shows that when an individual is low in key vitamins like fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, and omega 3’s, they become more susceptible to an increase in depression, anxiety, and violent behavior. That is why Zen Basil seed are so important, because it is nutrient rich from the lectin free organic basil seeds. It contains key vitamins and minerals our body’s need to have a positive mindset. A true brain-health superfood!  The nutrients that we feed our body are so important for not only gut health, but also for the body mind connection. We frequently speak about healthier food options that produce a stronger gut health, but we must also talk about the importance of food as brain health that helps with anxiety, mood swings, stress and even depression. We all know that our gut is the key to our whole-body’s overall performance. It affects our energy levels and mood throughout the day. We are so proud to be introducing you to this incredible superfood: Edible organic basil seeds. That not only provide key nutrients in generous amounts but are also accessible.

One serving of Zen Basil Seeds, based on our Exclusive Nutritional Fact Sheet provide:

 Fiber 15g or 54% of DV

5g of Complete Plant Based Protein

Calcium 370mg or 30% DV

Iron 4.7mg or 25% of DV

Potassium 210mg or 4% DV

Magnesium 90mg or 20% of DV

Omega-3 2860mg


All of these key nutrients help us feel good and make us feel satisfied for longer periods of time. For the cost of just about $1.5 per serving, available online, and accessible to all Americans, regardless of zip codes. 

Our goal is to make nutrients accessible to everyone and believe we all will benefit from a healthier community.  We can only accomplish our mission with your help, if you enjoyed this post, please share.