Zen Basil

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Zen Basil Seeds Blue Spirulina Holiday Treat


 1/2 Cup Zen Basil seeds 

1/8 tsp salt 

1/2 Cup Monk Fruit 

4 Cup Coconut Milk (organic can)

1 tsp Almond extract 

2 tbs Blue Spirulina 

Optional blueberries whipped cream 



In a container add Zen Basil seeds, salt, Monk Fruit, use 1 tbsp Blue Spirulina, Coconut Milk and mix well with a fork. Add Almond extract, mix more, top with the 2nd tablespoon Blue Spirulina and mix gently to create a contrasting 2 shades of blue. 

Chill overnight. When you are ready to serve, it’s best to bring it to room temperature. Serve in a glass with blueberries and top with whipped cream!